Ken was much more than a friend to me; and as I write this I realize I should have gone to see him again – August 1993 in Argonia, Kansas, with temps 105 in the shade, and 'there was no shade' as we launched my 5' rocket with "I" Motor thousands of feet into the air – that was the last time we were actually together.
Yes, Ken was a brother to me – and like many families, brothers who were different in many, many ways; yet shared common 'quirks' – yes, we're both a bit quirky, Ken and Steve....
Ken was wise when he was 20 – a man who should have lived to 120! His wisdom came not only from reading and listening and thinking – but from living and acting and challenging! Ken was a doer – incredible energy – yet he also enjoyed the very simple things in life. A burger.
Ken was timid in some ways – Ken was really unique.
Incredible that one lives years without seeing someone; goes months without an eMail or phone call; but knowing that Ken was there... now he's not.
Life is not as much fun today as it was when Ken was alive. And now, after all these years, I understand my mother a bit better when in 1982 my father died at age 60 – there was anger, too. Sad, teary anger – "how could you leave me?!" – I feel that, too.
In 1993 the man who hired me for my first 'real' job back in 1975 – Ed Emmet – he died at age 63 playing golf with his son. I learned of this and called Kathy, Ed's wife – she only said, "Oh, we had such plans...."
Ken should have lived on and on and on. Ken should have been President (maybe not of the US, but of a hockey team or a small nation!!) – Ken the teacher, the philosopher. Ken had plans – so many things to do – he couldn't have done it all had he lived to 1000.
I'd tell Ken of my theories, my ideas of how society on earth should have the goal of population reduction to 600 million in the next 150 years; reduction of pollution and associated problems could largely be reduced simply by reducing the population of humans on this tiny planet. Ken and I would go round and round – Xenos Paradox…. Ken introduced me to philosophy in 1972....
I miss my friend!!!!!!!!!!!
Ken was not only a friend, a brother and a teacher – Ken was one of the most influential people in my life – and especially from age 19-23.... I still don't believe this.
We were lucky to have known Ken Meyer. It really hurts today....
Steve Schulte