Music is a thing of the heart

When you died, my heart shattered
And the music stopped
And it was I who was lifeless
It was my eyes that were closed
I breathed in and out
But I was a stone.

Then I realized that the rhythm of my breath
And the beating of my heart
Were the sounds of life.
And I began to hear music again
In the tympani of leaves falling
The wind in the grass
The birds calling good day
The telephone ringing and the voice of a friend.

In the night, I hear your voice in my dreams
And your voice is clear and strong
And it is a most glorious visit.
I turn to you in the daylight
And suddenly remember that I must turn my face upward –
Toward the sun, the stars, the raindrops, the falling snow.

It isn’t the same
But it reminds me that you hear my thoughts
And you still find me –
Across the universe you still find me.

And I am part of the music
As you have been part of the music.
You hold a piece of my heart
And I hold a piece of yours
I can hear the music
And that is healing.

    -- Karen Reynolds

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