Kenneth Robert Meyer

Kenneth Robert Meyer, 54, died in an airplane accident on August 9, 2004 with his nephew, Quinn Peyton. Ken is survived by his sister, Lorraine Janet Meyer-Peyton, of Stuttgart, Germany; and his cousins, Lynn Rotolo of Englewood, New Jersey; Patricia Stryker of New York, New York; and Patricia McManus of Commack, Long Island. Ken was born in Teaneck, NJ, and grew up in Baldwinsville, NY. He did his undergraduate work at the State University of New York at Oswego and his graduate work at Carnegie Mellon University, where he completed course work for a Ph.D. in Physics. He had been employed by the Chemical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University for 27 years. A joint memorial service for Ken and Quinn will be held at 11 o'clock on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 in the garden at Phipps Conservatory in Schenley Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be sent to the Ken Meyer Memorial Fund, c/o the Chemical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Guest Book Entries

August 16, 2004
Ken was truly a charming, witty, and thoughtful person and we will miss him deeply.
  –Alicia, Eric and Seth Koontz (Allison Park, PA)

August 16, 2004
We met Ken on numerous occasions while visiting our daughter in Pittsburgh. He was ever welcoming to us. We grieve for all who knew him closely and especially for the close-knit group of friends of which he was a treasured member.
  –Hope and Owen Lampe (Chatham, NJ)

August 16, 2004
Ken was a colleague and friend. He enjoyed life and captured as much ofit as he could — scuba diving, sky diving, ice hockey, classical piano lessons, dressage, and piloting small planes. I will miss him.
  –Audrey Terrell (Pittsburgh, PA)

August 15, 2004
We will all miss Ken — a truly unique person whose range and depth of interests was matched only by his curiosity and sense of humor. I feel privileged to have called him friend.
  –Sue Zabowski (Weston, FL)

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