Joyful remembrances of young Quinn

"Oh Mom" Quinn said one evening at the age of eight, "alert, alert, Max and Moritz, my two white mice escaped. So let me know if you find them, please."

Oh thank you Quinn for the warning. Guess what? Max and Moritz trotted across my face at 3:00 am next morning.

Quinn's Lego building block are everywhere and what a delight when I came home at night, to admire another one of Quinn's imaginative creations. Legoland out West would be hard pressed to surpass his creations.

Joyous hours did he spend creating spider webs from sticks and string.

Novels were not Quinn’s forte; instead Cliff Notes saved the day.
Instead of sitting at the beach reading Dickens, Michener, or Keats,
for light reading he packed UNIX and C++ to the beach.

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